Amiga Plus Special 23
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 23 (2000)(Falke)(DE)[!].iso
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Purpose of MuLink:
MuLink is a linker for post-processing final executable binaries. It will
write-protect selected hunks - by default the CODE segment - of the binary,
and will hence protect them from getting modified or overwritten by faulty
code. Hence, MuLink'd programs will benefit from a feature native to most
operating systems but AmigaOs - protection of executable code.
Needless to say that programs that use self-modifying code cannot be MuLink'd,
more about the caveats below.
MuLink is mainly a developer tool that should be run on a file as soon as it
is out of the debugging stage and runs clean. MuLink'd programs cannot be
debugged with a standard monitor (e.g. MonAm) because breakpoints can't be
set in the - then writeprotected - code. See below for how to write a
debugger without this shortcoming.
MuLink'd programs use the "OVERLAY" mechanism of the AmigaOs. This means
that part of the code is no longer read by the default AmigaOs loader,
LoadSeg() namely. This has good and bad side effects. The bad is that most
programs operating on executable files will not be able to process it,
including "Hunk" for example. Additionally, some virus scanners might
indicate failures because they do not implement overlay scanning correctly.
The good is that this effect might be desired for commercial programs,
and that virii will, too, most likely not be able to infect the program.
An infected overlayed program will most likely not work at all. After all,
you should keep an un-MuLink'd version of the program private, and should
publish the MuLink'd version.
OVYLMGR: The file name of the overlay manager, i.e. the
part of the file that replaces the AmigaOs loader.
This part will be linked to the beginning of your
binary. By default, this is
and there's little reason to use a different
overlay manager.
It's actually that little file that does all the
MMU magic for you, using the mmu.library of course.
FROM=ROOT: The file to be MuLink'd. This MUST be a final
executable, no object modules are allowed here.
All debugging information will be stripped from this
file; furthermore, overlays are not allowed here
because the extended loader - the MuOVLYMGR - is
not yet able to process them. This might change in
the future.
TO: The final output file. This will be an executable,
again. MUST be different from the root file or
strange and wonderful things may happen.
HUNKS: Defines which hunks should be write-protected. By
default, all CODE hunks - and only these hunks -
get write protected.
This option is given by a comma-separated list
of an exclude/include indicator and a hunk
o) A plus or a minus sign, specifying whether the
specified hunk should be included or excluded
from the protection.
o) A hunk specification. This is either one of
the following strings, or the number of the hunk
as decimal string, counting from zero for the
first hunk:
CODE all code hunks
DATA all data hunks
BSS all blank space segment hunks
CODE_C all code hunks that are to be
loaded into CHIP memory (rare!)
DATA_C all data hunks to be loaded into
CHIP memory
BSS_C all bss hunks for CHIP memory
CODE_F all code hunks to be loaded into
FAST memory
DATA_F data hunks for FAST memory
BSS_F BSS hunks for FAST memory
The list is processed item by item, hence latter
items of the list override former ones. For example,
would be the build-in default, whereas
would protect all code and data hunks except those
data hunks that contain CHIP memory data.
As a side remark you should note that the MMU - and
hence MuLink - will not be able to protect data from
write access by the blitter anyhow.
BUFSIZE/N: Defines the size of the I/O buffers used by MuLink.
This defaults to 4K (4096) and should be something
between 256 bytes and 32K. There's rarely need to
adjust this since the I/O routines used by MuLink are
pretty fast anyhow.
VERBOSE/S: Turns on additional debug information that gets
printed onto the output console.
Special caveats of MuLink:
- The final binary will REQUIRE the mmu.library. It will hence NOT run on
P5 boards using the (original) ppc.library. This library is obsolete anyhow
and not supported. The binary will request and open the mmu.library and will
refuse to load in case the library is not available.
- It makes usually no sense to protect the data or bss segments, even though
this might work in some cases. Some compilers will produce only DATA segments
instead of DATA and BSS segments, reserving BSS space in the DATA segment.
For optimal performance, you should configure your compiler either to place
constant strings in one separate hunk, or to merge them with the CODE hunk
so to allow MuLink to protect them apart from the remaining (alterable) data.
- MuLink will not be able to protect overlayed segments. This is a
shortcoming of the current loader MuOVLYMGR.
- MuLink'd programs are NO LONGER pure. This is because the loader is
REQUIRED to enable and disable protection. Besides that, protecting tiny
programs - as most pure programs are - will waste a lot of memory because
the loader has to round the hunk start addresses to page boundaries.
- MuLink will usually not work on "run-back and stay-resident" programs
because most of these programs will attempt to modify their code hunk to
build a faked segment list. A modified loader might allow that in future.
- The loader will choose one of the the two available MMU protection modes,
depending on whether "MuForce" is running in your system. In case it is not,
"defensive" MAPP_ROM protection is used. This means that write accesses will
be silently ignored, even though they will not modify the code at all. If
"MuForce" is active, though, it will choose "aggressive" MAPP_WRITEPROTECTED
protection, causing a "MuForce hit". This will help you debugging your
- MuLink'd programs will only write protect the code for user mode accesses.
Supervisor mode write accesses remain valid. This means that a debugger
should switch to supervisor mode before setting a break point into the code,
then flush the cache line and then return to user mode.
Internal information for the experts - how a MuLink'd program looks like:
HUNK_HEADER of the loader.
HUNK_CODE The loader.
This is a standard AmigaOs binary. However, the HUNK_HEADER does not
indicate a overlayed program. First because it was easier to do so,
second to fake some virus protection software, and third to avoid
memory waste and to keep the overlay hunk table as small as possible.
The DOS "Majik Word" $ABCD is, however, as usual in the second long
word of the binary. Besides that, there is no identifier as the
overlay manager = the loader is a custom loader.
HUNK_OVERLAY The overlay node: All entries are longs
HUNK_OVERLAY 0x000003f5
size-1 size of the overlay data in longs, minus one.
fileofs file offset from the beginning of the file
to the offset where the first HUNK_CODE of
the main program starts. NOT to its
HUNK_HEADER, though!
ovlsize size of the loader segment in long words.
This is required, too, because the loader
write-protects itself after having done its
loaderofs byte offset of the loader into its module
loadermodule module in which the loader is put for
A "module" is a common memory space for hunks sharing the same memory and
protection requirements. Unlike the Os loader, the MuOVLYMGR does not allocate
the memory for the hunks individually, but in blocks called "